6. 在线阅读和搜索策略




You should practice some strategies that will improve your online reading comprehension and speed.

In this module we will talk more about your online educational environment. You’re probably going to do more reading than listening when taking an online class. 你可以做一些印刷的阅读,比如说, an assigned novel or textbook—but some of it might also be online in the form of a webp年龄.


  • Understand some of the differences between reading print versus reading online
  • 学习使用网络来提高学习效率的策略
  • Know to use the right strategies to help you with your online searching
  • Cover some internet safety tips

Reading Online vs. 打印

So, what do we mean when we say that reading print is different from reading online?

当你读到一些东西的时候, 一本由著名出版社出版的书, you can assume that the work is 作者itative. 的 作者 had to be vetted by a publishing house and multiple editors, right?

But when you read something online, it might have been written or posted by anybody. This means that you seriously evaluate the 作者ity 你正在阅读的信息. Pay attention to who was writing what you're reading — can you identify the 作者? What are his or her credentials?


到目前为止,几乎每个人都熟悉网络搜索. b谷歌、必应和雅虎都可以免费访问 公司和个人向公众提供的信息. 如果你正在购物或浏览电影预告片,这是很好的.

但是,如果你需要为研究寻找信息,它是有限的. Unfortunately, 无限制地获取可靠信息受到限制, 因为很多出版商想要付费. 没有免费访问他们的版权内容.

So, what is a database? Databases allow you to find information not freely available on the web. 他们搜索成千上万的文章和书籍. 您可以找到原始资料、图表和图像. Some cover a range of topics and others are more focused on specific subjects such as literature or controversial issues.

  • 你想要 choose a database based on your research topic. Articles in databases are from magazines, newspapers, trade journals, encyclopedias.
  • 你也可以 查找学术文章和同行评审文章. 的y have been chosen because they have been written by credible 作者s, such as researchers and experts.
  • 就像你在网上搜索一样,你仍然会得到很多结果. 然而, 数据库使您能够更好地控制结果 with powerful search tools. 下一节将帮助改进和限制您的结果.
  • With database search, you get credible content, powerful search tools, less time searching, better information.
  • 作为洛杉矶社区学院区的学生, 您可以完全访问大量官方文章, 电子书, 报纸, 参考, Scholarly and Peer-Review, Streaming Media.

洛杉矶山谷学院图书馆 is your information center for research projects and personal interests.

的y will help you identify and locate the most appropriate resources for your research needs. 他们还提供全天候与参考图书管理员联系的聊天服务. 你可以在校内或校外获得所有这些服务. Please refer to the LAVC图书馆.


Learning how to effectively search for data and knowing what to do with the data is a crucial skill to master.


搜索 strategies are ways of using search terms to find required information from search tools, such as search engines (Google), 图书馆目录和在线数据库.

的 following are some of the most common search strategies that are applicable to various search engines:


确定最重要的关键字 for your search topic. 的 search engines can use those keywords or search terms to start searching for information.

Boolean Logic (和, OR and 不)

使用 , OR, in Subject searches, 哪个在标题中查找匹配, 作者, subject headings, 并记下每个目录记录的字段. 在确定了最重要的概念之后, 有必要指出这些概念应如何联系起来 Boolean operators (, OR, ). It is also important to keep in mind that most search engines require that Boolean operators be typed in capital letters.

  • combines search terms so that each search result contains all of the terms. For example, "travel and Europe" find articles that contain both travel and Europe. 如果你想缩小搜索范围,使用和.
  • Or combines search terms so that each search result contains at least one of the terms. For example, "college or university" finds results that contain either college or university. 如果要展开搜索,请使用OR.
  • excludes terms so that each search result does not contain any of the terms that follow it. For example, "television not cable" finds results that contain television but not cable. 如果你想通过排除一个单词来缩小搜索范围,请使用不.

Truncation and Wildcard (*,?)

截断意味着缩短. 它还允许你搜索一个可能有多个结尾的单词. Truncation(*,?)是用来最大化你的搜索结果. 截断可以用来限制搜索到一个词干.

例如:搜索politi*会找到有关政治的信息, 政客们, 政治, 在政治上. 一些搜索引擎也使用通配符搜索, 在哪里使用组织*组织来搜索组织或组织.

例如:蠕虫?n(将检索有关妇女和妇女的资料). Middle truncation is especially useful to provide for spelling variations.

括号()和引号" "

Parentheses and quotation marks are symbols () or "" to put around words to show what is inside should be kept together. 它是短语搜索的一种形式.

Example: 搜索ing for Adults 和 children OR Infants is better when using parentheses. 成人及(儿童或婴儿).

Example: “medical terminology” will get different results from medical terminology. 使用引号会得到更少更好的结果.


No one is policing the web.
This makes it hard to find incredible information, which is important when you do research.

如何在浏览或进行在线课程时保持安全? 这些指导方针将帮助你在网上保护自己.

  • Beware of online bullying
    Don’t allow it to happen. If you are being bullied online by other students or are receiving abusive mess年龄s, inform your faculty immediately. 康乐及文化事务署对此有坚定的政策和程序.
  • 不要张贴任何有害的,伤人的,或冒犯
    Beware that anything posted online and outside of your class website (Canvas), can be seen by friends, 陌生人, 老师, 和雇主. Once you post something online, it's very hard to remove it from public view.
    Canvas 为课堂讨论提供了一个完整的系统, allowing both instructors and students to start and contribute to as many discussion topics as desired. Discussions allow for interactive communication between two or more people; users can participate in a conversation with an entire class or group.
  • 保护您的密码和登录信息
    精通互联网是成为在线学习者的一部分. Do not share your login information to Canvas or LACCD’s Student Information System with anyone.
    你可以暴露你的私人信息, 包括 your social security, 家庭住址, financial records, your grades to 陌生人. Also, allowing other people access to your passwords may put your schoolwork in danger. 你将面临纪律处分.
  • 注意垃圾邮件和有害信息
    小心打开来自陌生地址的广告或电子邮件. 的se can carry viruses, steal personal information, or sign you up for unwanted e-mails and ads. 此外,下载文件或安装软件时要小心. Minimize borrowing used Flash drives or external hard drives from others.
  • 遵守学生行为准则
    你不应该剽窃或声称别人的作品是你自己的. It is against the law to distribute or submit someone else’s works as yours. Faculty at LAVC are good at detecting copied work and they may use special software to detect plagiarism. 遵循学校的作品引用政策.
  • Look for reliable information
    不要相信你在网上找到或收到的一切. 在网络上,任何人都可以在任何主题上创造任何东西.


布拉沃! You've now successfully completed the online reading and searching strategies module! Remember, most of what you do in an online class will be structured around reading and searching. Be careful while surfing and look out for reliable and Spam free information—don't you feel ahead of the game now?



Canvas 登录 Instructions

  1. In a web browser, go to http://mycollege.laccd.edu
  2. 登录ID/使用rID: Your 9-digit student ID number (example: 881234567 or 900123456)
  3. Password: Same as your SIS password (where you registered for the class). 给我.